
Discussions pmboyd has started

Anyone rolled fuses in the Primaluna integrated?25637
Anyone own Silverline Prelude Plus speakers in the Seattle area?11713
TADAC tube dac help10413
Most musical and grainless Holland Amperex 6DJ8/ECC88?42182
Mullard e188cc, e88cc or CV2492?16440
Mazda/RTC e88cc or e188cc? Halo getter (1960s) or dimple getter (1970s)?9990
Difference in sound between Siemens e88cc and e188cc?1283721
Mitchum or Blackburn for the Mullard 6922?384528
Quantify the difference between Holland Amperex e188cc/7308 and USA Amperex 7308/e188cc?14394
Which has richer tonality, the Holland e188cc or the USA 7308?499415
How does the sound of the PCC88 and PCC189 compare to the 6922/6DJ8 and its iterations?746512
6922 Amperex PQ White label... D or O-getter? Holland or Hicksville?745727
Need help interpreting tube code 3P3A R6J7041
Why not put crossover networks in accessible compartments?229522
How much does a Zobel network and its components affect the sound of speakers?848941