"For digital, it is primarily about no bit errors (which are highly unlikely) and no added jitter" That is 100% correct. When digital transmission improves (usb, spdif, aes) the sound signature will not "color" like an analog silver cable can do. Instead you get more low level detail, focus, bandwidth and precision. Its just more correct timed information for your dac to work with. Silver behaves better at the high frequencies (mhz/ghz) bands because the enhanced conductivity and bandwidth of silver itself at high frequencies. The skin effect is where most of the digital transmission happens. A good implemented copper digital cable can outperform a bad implemented silver digital cable. The implementation (geometry, shielding, dielectric, impedance matched connectors) is key. If these are exactly the same: silver will perform better.
If you have a high quality pure silver cable with impedance matched connectors it is about as good as it gets. For example Neotech nevd-2001,
Oyaide FTVS-510. Just my 2 cents