Differences between cd transports?

Howdy,I borrowed a dedicated CD transport (Musical Fidelity) from a friend. I have found that music sounds much better with his transport than with the CD player I’ve been using to spin CDs. In both cases, I am using exactly the same DAC via the optical out connection from the transport and the CD player. So: is there any rational reason that, using the same digital to analog converter, one CD spinner should sound much better than another?Thanks!  

Showing 4 responses by wolf_garcia

And lest we forget, it's extremely likely that none of the wires inside any of your gear was assembled with any thought of wire or PC trace "directionality," and although I follow the little arrows on ICs or labelling of "speaker" or "amp" on my speaker cables (hey, it's because it's there, and I don't want whoever put the little arrows on 'em to have their feelings hurt), even the wires inside your speakers, especially board traces and any other tiny wires, are utterly random relative to alleged "directionality." Facts...nothing like facts, ya know?
Again, Kaitty dodges the point with pithy nonsense...simple fact: No component manufacturer checks the wires and traces for directionality...none. The echo is simply Kaitty tossing his personal insecurities and arrogance against the wall.
Possible mental health alert: Geoffkait (or Kaitty) has utterly lost his ability to recognize a satirical post, or his reading comprehension doesn’t work if he fails to re-post a comment he’s responding to. I’ll re-post this part for his sake:
"And if all of those little wires and board traces are directional, isn’t the sum of all of it working together resulting in directionality chaos? And if it is, why can things still sound fine?"

Kaitty...please...turn up your oxygen...something...I’ll try another rhetorical question: Does Dennis Had, who made my hand wired power amp, know which direction the allegedly directional internal wires are pointed? Wait...that’s not a rhetorical question, it’s a question I know the answer to. The answer is no. However, the amp sounds great anyway...mysteries abound...
So if fuses are directional, is the wire the fuse connected to directional? It MUST be, right? Are all of the other wires connecting everything else in a component also directional? I doubt that component manufacturers take the directionality of those little and not so little wires and board traces into account, and most of ’em are thicker than the fuse wire...And if all of those little wires and board traces are directional, isn’t the sum of all of it working together resulting in directionality chaos? And if it is, why can things still sound fine? Why? Why? Man...now I need a nap...