different strengths for different cables?

Hi All,

I want to bi-amp my speakers, and I'm wondering are there some cables better for low and midrange frequencies and others for the higher/est ranges of sound? I'd like to get the absolute most out of my system, and i thought this might be of some help.

Thanks in advance for the help.
I'll be biamping from four out of seven amp channels on an Arcam AVR. They are all rated identically. Good info about making sure the compatibility of all the interconnect components.

What about the materials of the interconnects? Silver, copper, etc. Do some of them function better at certain frequencies?

Hi Rustler - maybe I can help. Your question about bi-amping the speakers is valid, but I have to tell you - my experience as well as my customers' experience is that you are going to be less than enthralled with the results, particularly with the Arcam. Yes - in theory this allows you to double the power/current, but in practice, the difference between single channel/speaker and dual channel/speaker is very. very slight. Experiment if you want, but I would do it on a limited expense basis first so you aren't disappointed AND out a lot of money.
many thanks jwpstayman. I'll give it a try, but not at any great expense. Any particular reason why you singled out the Arcam?

Because we handle Arcam, my customers and I have had some experience with this unit.