
Responses from jwpstayman

Hum in my system; its the turntable R and L interconnects. Huh?
You might also want to try making sure the cartridge clips are tight on the phono cartridge.  Use a needle nose GENTLY and close them down if they are loose.  
12au7 tube?
I suggest going to a professional- Andy at Vintage Tube Service. Andy knows his products and has a terrific reputation for recommendations and delivery of NOS tubes. Very easy to talk with as well and will absolutely keep your budget in mind. Give... 
Black Ice F159 or Gold Note PH-10 ?
I have used the Gold Note/Power Supply now for 4 years without a hitch.  IT is an excellent phono stage and allows you to dial in the cartridge while playing, so no guess work or approximation necessary.  Dead quiet, very dynamic, very musical, lo... 
Audio racks that can handle heavy components
Take a look at the ButcherBlock Acoustics racks - reasonably priced and can hold a LOT of weight in a variety of configurations.  
DAC for Aurender N200
Take a Look at the T+A DAC 200 - works well with Aurender, is very musical, has a separate DAC circuit for DSD and is also built like a tank and made to last.  Fits into your budget as well.  
Phono stage for second system
Another thumbs UP for the Gold NOte PH10 - exceptional performance and the ability to tune the capacitance and volume while playing is a huge plus.  
Cables to use with a KAB Subsonic filter?
The KAB must be inserted AFTER the phono stage (before the preamp) or in the tape loop.  It will do no good if inserted before the RIAA equalization.  
any ideas?
Thanks all!  I took off the plate amp and the caps ARE all bulging and at least a couple of resistors are burnt looking as well.  Contacted Rythmik and in the process of purchasing a new amplifier.  
Do you Know a Trusted Seller of Chinese Vacuum Tubes?
The real problem is that out of a lot of 500 tubes, sometimes as many as 200 would test bad and/or be unmatchable and the manufacturer does not take them back.  
McIntosh MC 2106: HUM!!!
Hi Guys.  It's great that lifting the ground stopped the hum, but you have not fixed the cause of the hum.  Using a cheater plug is a temporary measure - the ground is there for your safety!  FIX the cause of the ground loop and lose the cheater p... 
McIntosh MC 2106: HUM!!!
Hi Moose - looks like you answered your own question.  One of the (however many) components you disconnected/connected is either not connected properly,  is using a cable that has issues, or is plugged into a different AC circuit than it was in pr... 
Transparent Audio power cords
I used a DNA 500 amplifier for more than 8 years - it's a wonderful amp with effortless power.  The best results I had with power cords was with a Shunyata Research Sigma.  
Looking to downsize and for suggestions for amp(s)
Take a look at the Gold Note PA-1175MK 2.  200 wpc, reasonable size (won't strain your back) wonderful sonics, reliable, can be left on 24/7 and draws next to nothing when music not playing.  
False advertising
I have a T+A DAC 200 and the specs show   T+A-True-1Bit DSD D/A converter, up to DSD 1024 (49,2 MHz), native bitstream I hope that helps.  
Phone stage with 2 inputs
The Gold Note PH-10 has 2 sets of phono inputs and settings for each.