Digital add ons-airlens, matrix spdif, Innuous Phoenix net, Phoenix usb

I’m not technically inclined… and I’m confused.  I’m now using an Innuous Zenith 3, a PS Audio directstream 2, a matrix spdif and an Innuous Phoenix usb.  Now I’m tempted by the Innuous Phoenix net and/or by the new Ps Audio airlens.  But I don’t totally understand what all these add ons do or where they would go in my system.  I just know that I’m on a never ending search for the best sound, probably like everyone here .  I’m willing to add either (or both) devices and also to remove things I’m now using.  I realize that adding too many accessories probably can over complicate things and multiple connections probably can degrade the sound.  I welcome any advice!


I listen mainly to classical music.  I love string instruments, especially the cello,  with its dark, vibrant sounds. The Bach sonatas for solo cello are one of  my favorite tests of musical reproduction. On chamber and orchestral music, I like being able to identify individual instruments .  I also enjoy vocal music, primarily crystal clear sopranos.  I’m pretty happy with the sound of my system now. I realize all this doesn’t really describe what I’m missing or hoping to improve . As I said earlier, it’s the eternal quest for better sound, which sometimes is undefinable.  I will say that the instrument placement/id in my system isn’t as precise as I would like and I would like a little more “presence.”

I’m not familiar with Wireworld interconnects and not sure what speaker cables you’re using, but I’d experiment with buying some used Acoustic Zen interconnects and speaker cables as, in my experience, they excel in the qualities you seem to be looking for and if they don’t work out you can just turn around and sell them for little or no loss.  To me, they preserve detail along with the “meat on the bones” in the critical midrange while also being excellent at 3D imaging and soundstage.  They may provide the extra oomph you seem to be searching for and at very little risk if buying used.  Hope this helps, and best of luck. 

Your system does seem to consist of a great set of components.  The most important change in my system involved power cords and conditioner.  I doubt that the AirLens would be an improvement, but you do have thirty days to return it.  Don’t be over sold on Pauls I2s marketing.  Your reclocking of USB makes your USB clock first rate.  In theory I2s can carry a clock from the streamer to the DAC, but this isn’t so with the PS Audio products.  Your USB is based upon a very stable clock, so I’m guessing the AirLens with a switching power supply..a good switching power supply.. will most likely not better your present setup, but listening is the only way to make sure.

I am not familiar with all your equipment but I am very familiar with steaming and Innuos. The Innuos net was a great addition to my system. Mostly eliminated  all the noise you get from the internet. It was a great addition to my system and became like a black canvas for music. I strongly recommend it to anyone who is trying to improve streaming

Good luck with your system.

A huge upgrade would be a 432evo Aeon we bested an innous statement with upgraded power supply 25k while our Aeon is currently 7800


And you only need one usb cable a simpler and neater solution then adding a Phoenix and a zenith pluus Phoenix is not as good as a statement


And our servers are fully upgradable so you can easily upgrade to

Our flagship Master.


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