I am so confused about what to choose for ripping and then how to merge streaming into my several stereo systems. And what if I want to do LPs too?
If you don't have a server that automatically rips, then for PC, get dbpoweramp for ripping. If Mac, get XLD. Both freeware.
I have had recommendations for the Naim Uniti Core for ripping and storing digital music. I’ve heard that Roon might be better. Or maybe it’s just different. I’ve just today heard about the gear recommended in this thread, Bluesound and Sony. How to choose??
There are several servers out there that can rip CD's and stream music from services like Tidal. They get their stream via wired Ethernet or WIFI. Once you get one of these, you are stuck with the audio quality that delivers. Not much you can do if you don't like it.
Roon can run on handheld devices, PC or Mac. It is usually selected to enable streaming of Tidal. If you are not planning to pay monthly for streaming services and only play your local files, there are many other options.
For most people that want great sound quality and networked audio, the choose the Ethernet to USB converters from Sonore, called "renderers". These devices can drive USB to the DAC of your choice. They require wired Ethernet from your router or switch to the renderer, no WIFI. With these renderers, you can use many different playback softwares including:
1) Linn Kazoo/Minimserver/BubbleUPnP
2) Lumin/Minimserver/BubbleUPnP
3) Jriver
4) Audirvana Plus
5) Roon
6) Linn Kinsky/Minimserver
There are two different types of renderers supported by these playback controllers: UPnP/DLNA and Roon RAAT. You have to decide which you want.
Some playback software and renderer hardware supports only DLNA, others support Roon RAAT. The Sonore devices support both. Also, some of these control softwares do not support streaming.
Virtually all my music is classical or opera and I’ve read with increasing despair that it can be very hard to get the right tags on classical music, so that’s one issue.
If you rip to FLAC while connected to the network, you will get all of the tags available. The rippers also compare checksum to other peoples rips automatically.
Which one preserves the audio quality best?
.wav files are the most accurate, but some tags will be lost. You still get album art, artist, date, sample-rate, format, composer etc. All other formats compromise SQ IME.
Which software is best for managing playback?
Every one is different and a personal choice. Most people like Roon. Lumin, Audirvana Plus and Jriver are good too.
The question you should be asking is:
What playback/control software delivers the best sound quality?
They are not all the same by any stretch. Big differences here.
Steve N.
Empirical Audio