Digital isolation between Ethernet hub and streamer

This very inexpensive little box  connects between you ethernet hub and the streamer  it truly works and not expensive, check it out


@audphile1 usually the cheap stuff like the Amazon offers is not going to make a positive impact.  At least you tried, the wrong stuff but you tried. Like I did with PC and they did nothing. 


Lol yeah. I tried the wrong FMC stuff. I also tried plenty of wrong power cords and they’re no longer in my system. If power doesn’t make a difference in your system but network tweaks do, there’s something seriously wrong with your network and your equipment. 

I have the NA Muon Pro, like @fastfreight.

 It is extraordinary.

 Have an English Electric switch plugged into a Nordost QBase Reference.


Pure audio nirvana.

awesome @dougthebiker .  I also had the English Electric (Bonn 8) switch.  

There are similar benefits to be had with a next level switch.

@fastfreight  He has 2 next level switches with the EE 8 and the Q-base. 

@audphile1  Not what I said but okay. Could same the same about your system slick. Considering you used $200.00 worth of switch gear.