Responses from dougthebiker
T+A MP 200 with T+A Dac 200 Synergy I did think the two T+A components were much better together than separately. i ended up not keeping them because there seemed to be be a high frequency harshness I couldn’t get rid of by changing cables. I ended up going further up scale and bo... | |
Replace tubes yearly? @larsman My new WE 300B's were about 2 1/2 years old, guaranteed for 5 years as you know. My only backup was a set of cheap Cossars that came with the amp. WE had a sale in November so I figured buy another pair just in case. I had no idea mine... | |
Your journey with lower-watt tube amps -- Can a kit be good enough? I built the Elekit TU-8600S kit with all the upgrades and put the new Western Electric 300Bs in it. It’s fabulous and drives my 94dB speakers with ease. highly recommended! | |
Digital isolation between Ethernet hub and streamer I have the NA Muon Pro, like @fastfreight. It is extraordinary. Have an English Electric switch plugged into a Nordost QBase Reference. Pure audio nirvana. | |
What were your favorite gear additions in 2024? Had an epiphany this year. Power cables and power conditioners can make a much bigger improvement in SQ than components, even in relatively modest systems. Upgraded to a Nordost QBase Reference power conditioner, which cost more than any of my c... | |
Western Electric 300B problem I’ve used two pairs of the new WE 300Bs in my Elekit TU-8600S and have had no issues, just absolutely unmatched wonderful sound quality. I would be amazed if they didn’t give you a prompt warranty replacement. | |
Why I Sold My Aurender N200 The Grimm wins hands down. Not so dry sounding as the others you mentioned and it runs Roon, which is a necessity in my book. | |
??? What Is The MOST Expensive System You Ever Heard ??? What Was Your Opinion ??? $1.5M. Sounded thin to me. | |
What % Of Your System Are Your Cables? @roadcykler I built my GR Research speakers, so I know they have really good wires inside. | |
What % Of Your System Are Your Cables? I agree with @steakster. I am at 40%. I was taken aback when I tried some crazy expensive cables with my moderate priced system, Chord Dave and Grimm Mu1 on the front end. Three power cords and a pair of speaker cables. Suddenly it sounded l... | |
Current quality of Rune @sls883 I have found the secret to great SQ in Roon is to turn off any equalization or volume control in Roon. Don’t let it mess with the signal at all and it’s great. IMHO. | |
Power cord @audphile1 is absolutely correct. Don’t buy any power cords you haven’t auditioned in your system! Just because a set of cords sounds good in someone else’s system doesn’t mean it’s going to sound good in yours. | |
A brief review of GR Research Bully I've got the NX-Oticas; built them with some skilled help. I would not trade them for any other speaker I've heard and yes, I've heard the Magico M9s pushed by ~$750k of top-shelf electronics. | |
Power cord upgrade I used to think components were more important cables. I now have done a 180 and am sure that cables are more important than components. Have a modest system compared with most of my friends in our audio club. Many of them have spent wel... | |
Open baffle speakers I have the GR Research NX-Otica open baffles and their 2-driver OB sub. Most of the people in our audio club rate them as among the best they have ever heard. There’s certainly excellent bass. Very tight and textured. |