Digital microscope recommendations

I'm at a point where I am concerned about the wear and tear on my Lyra Delos, and would like to check its condition through a microscope. Does anyone have a brand/model they can recommend at a reasonable price? Also, what am I looking for? Is any possible damage so obvious it doesn't need an explanation?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 5 responses by jragsda

The Supereyes B008 scope was suggested by Mike of Continuum in a thread on another site. It is 500X with led illumination. I bought one from a HK vendor for $80. It will arrive sometime next week.

This scope comes with MB Ruler, which you can also get for free on the net. Mike uses it to measure SRA as part of the mounting process, or so it was said in the thread I read. Of course, I am sure listening is the final step.

Many of the stands for these scopes are cheaply made and too flimsey. Dino makes a good one for $43. The scope I bought was without stand but I already have one.

Looking forward to examining my carts and mount!
Per your request Actusreus, here is a photo I took last night:

Guess the stylus design .......

It is a new JICO SAS that is mounted on my old Shure V15 Type III cart. This cart is not in use as my MC Sigma Genesis 2000 is getting all the playing time.

I received the Supereyes scope in the mail yesterday. Gamma was reduced for black background. I used a glass coffee table and one extra led "book" light. Magnification is about 250X as I was over a half inch from stylus - closer gives higher magnification.

In the next few days, I'll be using the measuring feature to determine SRA for my Sigma cart. Mike at Continuum uses a glass disk to rest the cart (mounted on tonearm). This gives better light distribution.

The Supereyes scope is like a large Mount Blanc pen. It is smaller in diameter than the Dinos I have seen, about a three-quarters inch in diameter. You need a mounting platform for these things as dialing in focus is tricky. I have an old flexible lamp that I converted for use - the rigidity was very helpful. Used hose clamps to hold the scope on the platform.
Actusreus and Sonnyboy here are my results with this scope.

First, if you are going to check your mounted stylus make sure your watch is off, you are not wearing a long sleeve shirt, there are no pets near, and you will not be distracted. This is difficult work with a high cost for failure.

I used a rectangular piece of glass on top of the platter as the platform for the stylus. The Supereyes scope was right up to the glass, giving almost 400x. I took about 20 photos using the Supereyes software, all with different lighting or scope position. (Remember to make sure antiskate is not on by the way.)

Here is an unzoomed photo that gives a good edge of glass reference for the MB-Ruler software:

I then zoomed this image to

Note the unusual angle of the front facet (facet 33). The back facet is the one I measured (facet 39). The stylus appears to be a Fritz Geiger like design sold by Soundsmith (i.e. optimized contour).

With this stylus design, Wally's approach I do not think is appropriate. Using facet 39 for SRA, I got 91.77 degrees. The patent suggests 90 degrees but I get better music closer to 92 degrees.

Measuring this was difficult because of the stylus type. If you have an A90 or other fritz design stylus, I can help you with the technique. Otherwise, I think most stylii would be easier like the ones in Wally's and MF's posts/articles.

Sonnyboy: Given MF's article about your stylus SRA from the factory, you should probably do this just to ensure you are not dealing with an unusual situation requiring a huge VTA adjustment.

Whew, it has been a long day.
Just saw this stand at the site suggested by Actusreus:

This is by far the lowest price 360 degree stand for usb microscopes I have seen. I will certainly buy one.
Peterauer - only works on Win 7, Vista, and XP. If you have virtual windows in Mac environment, it should work according to my IT guy.

Actusrens - I paid $73.95 plus $6 shipping. No stand at that price. I suspect, but do not know, it is same up/down stand sold with other models; not useful for our purposes. Given the scope's small diameter, you may have to wrap it to fit in the $43 Dino stand which articulates like my adustable lamp improvisation.