Digital newbie

Hi all,

Could someone give me the 101 of digital today? I’m back in the hobby after a decade-ish hiatus and would like the basics of streamers v network transports v network players, etc and how Tidal/Qobuz/Roon play into it.  I've been on Aurender's and Lumin's website and I think I get the gist but wanted some clarificiation.  If there’s a specific thread for newbies like me, could you point me that way? Thanks!


Here's a good primer

I had to laugh.. when I was looking for a link I saw AARP's guide to streaming !!!  It's getting more and more popular with us seniors...

Last year I got my Dad, 79 into streaming.    He streams about 4 to 6 hours a day now.   He's always playing something