Digital room correction, any recommendations?

Can anyone recommend a correction device that can be inserted between my digital source and DAC, that is relatively easy to use?
Hi Psag,

Before making a final determination, I'd read up on the different technological approach that Trinnov use.

They employ some very sophisticated modeling and mathematics to analyze the sound. Also, read up wherever you can on the Tact and Lyngdorf approaches and see what you find from other users and ex-users (of any of this gear).

I agree with Kal's comment above regarding the steps. I have the XTZ software and then tried Audyssey (as built into my Denon AVP-A1hdci) and auditioned a Multichannel version of the Trinnov Pro unit. Both units took a digital in; the Denon output an analog signal while the Trinnov passed the digital signal to my DAC (Boulder).
I know some people who have experimented with the Behringer Ultracurve. But I believe that problems with room acoustics should not be solved using those machines. A sound engibeer nce explained it to me, but I'm not a sound engineer. But it has to do with trying to fix a time problem in the frequency domain.

I should look into Trinnov. Unfortunately their marketing material is not very in depth about what their unit does!

Where did you get your demo unit from?

Mordante... I have heard all the theoretical reasons why the $300 Behringer DEQ2496 won't fix room acoustic anomalies. But, mine do an excellent job. Don't you know that bumblebees can't fly.