Digital Source Comparison - An audible difference?

I'm trying to compare with my own ears the difference that people hear, or claim to hear, between digital sources. I realize that it's entirely possible that my system isn't quite to the level where difference are audible but it's pretty simple to do a comparison.

Source 1: Pioneer Elite PD-D6-J SACD Player (on Nordost Sort Kones)
Source 2: Integra CDC-3.4 CD Player (multi-disk)

My plan would be to use two Toslink cables since the Integra is already connected using one and it's fairly easy to obtain another one.

Considering the rest of my system includes an Integra 50.1 AVR, Focal Chorus 836v speakers, and DIY Cat5 speaker cables, would you predict that I will hear a difference?

There is a distinct difference between the two CD players using analog connections, but if they are reduced to being transports that rely on the DAC in the AVR will there still be a difference?
Don_s - I have no issue with getting pair of both types of digital connections and doing the comparison that way.

Blasphemy Warning: Because I'm probably closer to the "bits is bits" belief I'm not convinced that I should hear any difference related to a digital source or cable, but it seems only fair to make any comparisons using identical cables.

My AVR has two Toslink inputs so it makes for an easy A/B switch for comparison and I suspect I can do the same with the other style of cable.

One of these days I want to visit my hi fi shop and connect an Integra CDP and one of their $10k CDPs to the PS Audio DAC using identical cables and then see what I can hear. It should be significant I would hope.
I do know how much difference you will hear between those two, but I will say that the transport makes as much difference as the DAC...or more.
In addition to sonic differences that may or may not result from differences in transport-generated jitter (depending on the amount of that jitter and on the jitter-rejection capability of the dac), if the connection between transport and dac is via an electrical cable you may or may not hear differences depending on:

1)The length of the cable, and the happenstance of the relation between that length and the risetimes and falltimes of the output signals of the transports. Those risetimes and falltimes are usually unspecified. See this paper for further explanation. In other words, you may hear a difference when one cable length is used (with both transports), and not hear a difference when another cable length is used (with both transports).

2)The amount of groundloop-related electrical noise current that the transport and dac collectively may cause to flow through the shield of the interconnect cable, which in turn will affect jitter. That effect is, again, unpredictable happenstance.

3)The degree of mismatch between the output impedance of the transport and the impedance (more properly, the "characteristic impedance") of the cable. That will affect waveform integrity, and may thereby affect jitter.

4)The degree of mismatch between the input impedance of the dac and the characteristic impedance of the cable. That will affect waveform integrity, and may thereby affect jitter. That effect on jitter may be sensitive to which transport is used, because the consequences of the waveform reflections caused by the impedance mismatch depend on the other three effects. In other words, an impedance match between dac and cable which is less than perfect can cause differences to be heard between transports.

Toslink is not susceptible to any of those effects, but I have no reason to doubt what seems to be the prevailing consensus that more often than not it will provide inferior performance compared to electrical interconnection.

None of those four factors have any strong correlation with component quality or component price. Transmission of digital signals between components should be viewed as a system-level issue, which is dependent on interactions between both components and the cable connecting them.

-- Al
I presume you are talking about 44.1K/16 bit native output from the players. For that frequency and bit depth I doubt if toslink will show any difference with coax, assuming you use glass fiber toslink and not plastic optical fiber.

If upsampled digital output from the players is used, all bets are off. I did this with a CA 840c (feeding a Bryston BDA-1) and found significant loss in sound quality when using the upsampled outputs (up to 24 bit/192K)of the 840. This was compared to the 840 alone feeding the same pre-amp/amp as the Bryston. At the high frequencies and bit depth the toslink would not allow the Bryston DACs to lock, whereas coax did. When I sent native 16 bit/44.1 KHz from the 840 to the Bryston, sound quality improved significantly.