Directional speaker cables - switching direction

Some time ago I started a thread regarding speaker wire directionality and my inability to understand how it could have any affect on sound quality. The question was inspired by the fact that, after quite a few years using them with my Martin Logan Odysseys, I discovered that the cables (Straightwire Octave 2) had arrows printed on them. Not surprisingly the opinions expressed were pretty strong on both sides of the argument but those supporting directionality were the most vociferous and in greater numbers, one to the point of being downright insulting. In no case, though, was an explanation given by those supporting the importance of cable direction for how this phenomenon occurs except that it should be obvious that when a cable is broken in in one direction only someone with an uneducated ear would be unable to discern the difference.

Even though I still don't get it I'm not taking the position that there is no validity to the directional claim; if there truly is I just don't understand how. This leads me to my two part question. I haven't been using the Octaves for a few years but now, because of cable length issues, I want to put them back in my system partly to avoid the cost of new quality cables.

IF, then, the directionality theory IS valid and I don't recall which way the arrows originally pointed or which direction they were "broken in" do those in support of directionality think I should install them with the arrows pointing toward the speakers

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Quote from John Curl Interview.
Page 15/18 and 16/18.

"I was working with Noel Lee and a company
called Symmetry. We designed this crossover and I specified these one
microfarad Mylar caps. Noel kept saying he could 'hear the caps' and I
thought he was crazy. Its performance was better than aluminum or
tantalum electrolytics, and I couldn’t measure anything wrong with my
Sound Technology distortion analyzer. So what was I to complain about?
Finally I stopped measuring and started listening, and I realized that
the capacitor did have a fundamental flaw. This is were the ear has it all
over test equipment. The test equipment is almost always brought on line to actually measure problems the ear hears. So we’re always working in
reverse. If we do hear something and we can’t measure it then we try to
find ways to measure what we hear. In the end we invariably find a
measurement that matches what the ear hears and it becomes very
obvious to everybody."
End of quote.
Measurements, analysis, listening, and the instincts, experience, and intelligence of the designer are all key factors influencing the degree of success or failure that will be achieved in the design process. That's the bottom line, IMO.

Happy holidays!
-- Al
Jea48 - interesting quote. I thought it was interesting that they found a way to measure what they were hearing. I would guess that they used that measurement for future designs. What they heard could be measured

Jea48 - interesting quote. I thought it was interesting that they found a way to measure what they were hearing. I would guess that they used that measurement for future designs. What they heard could be measured
12-26-14: Mceljo

Ya, "they" found a way. Just remember why "they" looked for a way in the first place.

As long as manufactures put arrows on cables to show signal flow direction and say try the cables in both directions for what sounds best in my system I will follow their directions. It's nice to know the theory why but in the end all I care about is how the cable affects the sound of my audio system.

If somebody is hell bent on proving the theory why cables are directional then that person should by all means find a way to measure the differences.
Great Post Jea48, the more I read what you have to say, the more I respect you, I enjoy your post, cheers.