I wrote:
Second, the purpose of the extra shield is to minimize noise. One way to do that is to have all grounds at the same potential.
terry9 sez
But that is already achieved with the negative wire of the balanced line.
We’re talking about single-ended connections here, @terry9, not balanced lines. As I explained to you, pro-audio systems use balanced lines. We’re talking about single-ended cables here with the shield connected at only one end.
In a SE cable, your notion that the shield should be connected to the amplifier end rather than the source end runs contrary to the design of every cable manufacturer of which I’m aware that uses the extra shield. But of course you may know something that no one else understands.
Your complaint that the common grounding point shouldn’t be the phono cartridge pins is amusing, and no one here has suggested that. Phono cartridge pins are not a "common point." A preamplifier is the typical "common point."