Distance from the front not the rear wall?

What´s the optimun distance from the front wall (lisener seat) to the speakers? A lot has been said about the distance from the speakers to the rear wall, but no much regarding the distance from the lisener seat to the speakers. I ask because my seat is located against the front wall and I wonder if the sound (direct from the speakers and the sound reflected from all surfaces) that hear is "blurred" due to this reflexions. Should I put my seat at the same distance I have placed the speakers from the rear wall? Thanks in advance for your comments.
Yup, the front wall is behind the speakers; the rear wall is behind the listener. It's the front and the rear of the ROOM.

"But if you cant then putting the listener right against a treated back wall can be a very close 2nd best."

What is second best?
I prefer to sit close to the wall behind me, so long as that wall is properly treated.
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