Distance from the front not the rear wall?

What´s the optimun distance from the front wall (lisener seat) to the speakers? A lot has been said about the distance from the speakers to the rear wall, but no much regarding the distance from the lisener seat to the speakers. I ask because my seat is located against the front wall and I wonder if the sound (direct from the speakers and the sound reflected from all surfaces) that hear is "blurred" due to this reflexions. Should I put my seat at the same distance I have placed the speakers from the rear wall? Thanks in advance for your comments.

"But if you cant then putting the listener right against a treated back wall can be a very close 2nd best."

What is second best?
I prefer to sit close to the wall behind me, so long as that wall is properly treated.
Post removed 
I see a lot of the posts mention its not good to have your head near to back wall. But the method I've recently started to use (to good effect so far) recommends to do this ( with minor to no room treatments )
Its the method recommended by Immedia/Sonics explained here:

Any thought as to its merits?