**Most of the time** you can expect an amplifier with a balanced input to work just fine with a single-ended source.
However, balanced line and single-ended operation are not normally considered to be compatible (by the pro audio industry). As a result, you usually have to jump through some hoops to make the two work together. In our equipment, that means joining pin 3 to pin 1 on the XLR and its all good. With the ARC amplifiers, the *only* way to do it is to use a transformer; Jensen makes some of the best transformers world-wide for this application.
However, balanced line and single-ended operation are not normally considered to be compatible (by the pro audio industry). As a result, you usually have to jump through some hoops to make the two work together. In our equipment, that means joining pin 3 to pin 1 on the XLR and its all good. With the ARC amplifiers, the *only* way to do it is to use a transformer; Jensen makes some of the best transformers world-wide for this application.