DIY Record Cleaner Project - Need ideas

Since I'm taking a "vacation" for a few months I thought I'd try to build a record cleaner. I've been looking at the popular VPI models and a few of the others, and I'd like to go in a different direction. I'd like to do a machine that holds the record vertical and actually submerges the record in the solution - not including the label of course. It seems like it would be easy enough to use two padded washers on a long bolt to hold the record and act as a spindle without damaging the label. With commercially available fluids that should work well and clean both sides of the record at once, and with a dual bath using distilled water, rinse them as well.

In this kind of a set up, what kind of brush would be appropriate to 'scrub' the records? I obviously don't want to scratch them.

Also, short of hauling a shop-vac into the kitchen (really bad WAF) how would I go about drying them?

I do want to vacuum them, but I'm looking for something smaller than a shop-vac in the kitchen to do it with.
you don't need that much solution to scrub a record.

check out my diy cleaner.

this is a link

or copy and paste
Use a record brush such as the VPI or DD styles.

W/O vacumming though, I'd be wary of the brushes not removing enough fluid that while the record is turning, the fluid would flow onto the label from the 12:00 position
interesting idea - I'd be interested in seeing the finished product. I partially agree with Cableplex in that for normal cleaning of clean records you don't need that much solution, but for first time cleaning of used "thrift shop" buys, it would be beneficial. There are other advantages to your vertical approach I think too. It would be pretty easy to construct a tank from plexiglass with 3 compartments - one for fluid, one for rinse, one for dry. Each compartment needn't be more than 1/2" wide at the most.

I think you will want to use a vacuum system - can't think of any other system for drying that would take up less space and assure complete cleaning. The vacuum used in Cableplex's DIY system seems pretty compact. I think it would be very easy to keep the labels dry - using something like suction cups on both sides of the LP to hold it would do the trick (actually keep it more dry than using a VPI).

As for the brush, I suspect you'll want to experiment. I've used the VPI brush, Disk Doctor Brush, and velvet covered pads that everyone makes - I find for deep cleaning I always used the both the DD and velvet brush suction head.
On the question of how much solution, I suspect that I'm envisioning using more than most folks are used to using on platter machines. I'm thinking of putting the fluid in a trough and running the record through it with some sort of brush mechanism in there too. Then a second and probably third trough for rinsing. In a crude way, its not unlike a bar that uses three sinks in succession to wash glasses. Yes, you would ultimately have contaminants in the soap solution, but if you’re rinsing well and then vacuuming dry, how much could be left over on the playing surface (a loaded question, I’m sure)?

I actually think the troughs will be easy. As a prototype, just to test the cleaning part, I can even use three tubs. They don’t have to be connected or anything. Finding the correct brush will be a bit of a challenge, and of course the vacuum system.