Those cabinets are not going to be easy to make.
All the rest is easy, VERY easy.
Multiple pairs? Do you want to go into business?
I'll tell you first hand, you better have more than a passive knowledge of wood working to make those cabinets.. You want to buy the tools and CNC yourself.
I admire your stones. Kinda sounds like me 50+ years ago when there were no CnC in DIY. Come to think of it the machine shop I worked in was all analog.
It can all be done, but that is one ambitious path your on.. GR may be an option in the short term.. They do the CnC for you. Danny at GR has a great crew he works with. They can prefab the cabinets for you.. Flat packs to finished, you choose..
Just a thought.
But if your up for it.. GO MAN GO!!!! Enjoy the ride.. My hand ache thinkin' about it. Love hate relationship.. Youth, what a wonderful thing. Alive ain't bad either though.. LOL
Think I'll work on a set of mine.. 65 degrees here perfect work weather.
Come on Dog...