DIY speakers

Not really sure where to post this so taking a shot here. I've research a few highly regarded DIY speakers that would contend with high cost retail speakers. 

I've decided I want to go down that path and wanted to see if other members have thought the same. 

A speaker model I'm interested in is

You purchase the drivers and the kit with everything you need including schematics and cabinet construction info. You get top rated drivers, respectable xover parts, and the option to use whatever material you would like for the cabinet. 

The cabinet building is more for the wood worker who has the time, skill set, and tools to build the cabinets. I possess two of these necessities. 

I would prefer to do a CAD model and program a large router with set up time and cut all the panels, driver cutouts, port holes, bracing, etc.... at once saving me the time I do not have cut the cabinets with saw. 

The cost per unit is reduced if multiple pairs are being made at one time so only one set up cost. 

I'm reaching out to members who would be interested in the above speaker of on that same website the Atell 3 and Purifi-6661.

The three models I've listed I'm confident would reach in the 20-25k retail category easily with the quality of the components. 


If any members are interested please state and which model. 



PS - A four way design is extremely ambitious, even if you are starting from a pre-designed kit.  I'd strongly encourage you to build a more affordable 2 way first.

Those cabinets are not going to be easy to make.

All the rest is easy, VERY easy. 

Multiple pairs? Do you want to go into business? 

I'll tell you first hand, you better have more than a passive knowledge of wood working to make those cabinets.. You want to buy the tools and CNC yourself.

I admire your stones. Kinda sounds like me 50+ years ago when there were no CnC in DIY. Come to think of it the machine shop I worked in was all analog. 

It can all be done, but that is one ambitious path your on.. GR may be an option in the short term.. They do the CnC for you. Danny at GR has a great crew he works with. They can prefab the cabinets for you.. Flat packs to finished, you choose..

Just a thought. 

But if your up for it.. GO MAN GO!!!! Enjoy the ride.. My hand ache thinkin' about it. Love hate relationship.. Youth, what a wonderful thing. Alive ain't bad either though.. LOL

Think I'll work on a set of mine.. 65 degrees here perfect work weather. 

Come on Dog...




Thanks for redirecting me in that direction. 

I also appreciate your concern about a four way build. My skill set would allow me to build this, with some head scratching I'm sure, but feel confident this will not be out of thee realm of my abilities. 

I want to use a router to speed this entire process up, as I do not have time to be in a wood shop for many weeks or months building the cabinets.. This would also provide relatively easy assembly as all the math is computed through MasterCam program so angles and joints would align with a very tight tolerance. 

I know there are many, like myself, who if hey had all the panels and bracing could easily put the cabinets together in a short time. 

Getting others who are interested would cut cost as the CAD Modeling, programming, and set up cost are distributed over 3-5 pairs for example. 

The Atell 3 is very similar to the 71K Kaiser Kawero Classic for a mere fraction of the cost so I felt this would be a great opportunity to those who wanted to pursue. 


I'll look intro becoming a member to DIY Audio so I can post this. 




I am in professional motorsports that adhere to extreme  +/- tolerances so working with wood is relatively easy compared. 

I have three large routers with high HP with over 12 tool carousel. They do 3D cutting so cutting these panels and the angled baffles is a walk in the park so no need to buy any routers or tools. 

I'm using Panzerholz for cabinets. 

Thanks for the heads up with Danny at GR but he would have to create a Cad file, Program the file to router, and incur time consuming set up with loading 10-12 tools carousel with correct bits and adding fixating for multiple OPTS that they will need.

This is the initial cost I was looking to spread over 4-5 people as I want to build a pair for myself. 


Geez, I was talking hand made, not CnC for me. I've no need for that stuff. LOL I use a duplicating machine. If I don't have a sculped model to copy from I'm SOL.. Nothing fancy here. 

I use to hand carve the kitchen soup spoons.. I made the cabinets in all the house. No fancy tools. Table saw, routers, planers, shapers. Old school.. 

I do draw the line with screw drivers though, except for the slot alignment. I'll use a power driver or the old ratchet driver. I still align the slots on the brass screws I use by hand.

GR has programs on file, unless you have the file. No need to go there. 

Well I wish you the best, have fun in any case..
