@holmz I use a TT with a 86db S/N R, which is the SP10 MkII that has been fully overhauled by an Engineer, who is a recognised authority on this model of TT in the UK.
This is my go to TT over all my other TT's, for three reasons,
One, being I really enjoy the replays when using it.
Two, a good friend has helped me source it and gave it their special attention on my behalf.
Three, I had an input in to the aesthetic that the chassis has had applied to it.
It was the SP10 MkII Model, when first encountered quite a few years past, that was the encouragement to change from Idler Drives as being my go to TT's.
The idea of leaving Idler Drives in Massey plinths was a wrench, but the DD in a Lightweight Plinth took the mantle.
It has also been the impression that this TT has made, that has spurred myself on to collect a selection of different Brands of DD TT's, even though these are TOTR Consumer Models and not a Model produced to be used for professional purposes.
Interestingly Juergen also owns the SP10 MkII.
The following is an update on the work he has been undertaking with the TT last year.
I have a range of Platter Mats I use on all my TT's, when you are set up, maybe this can be a side bar inquiry to see if further improvement can be suggested by discussing Mats and the perceived impaction they have on a SQ.
I'm curious what you report,
I'm also trying out different mats on my SP10 - MKII drive.
For example, the following bronze plate fits exactly into the plate cut-out:
I currently have the thick Zanden rubber mat on it
which also fits into the plate cut-out.
I had already looked at the OMA, but had not yet been able to try it.