DK Design Group vs. Boulder

Has anyone here compared DK amps with Boulder amps? I am currently using the Wilson Watt Puppy 7s with the DK VS-1 Signature with great results but I have been thinking of switching to the Boulder 1050 monoblocks and the 1010 Preamp. Will this be a meaningful upgrade worth the extra costs? Or should I leave well enough alone?
I don't know about DK amps but I'm sure you can't go wrong with the Boulders. Try them if yo can...
Wow I can't comment on the sonics of either product but aren't the Boulders about almost 10 times the price of the DK? I mean I know price doesn't really matter but that's some jump! One could argue that it would be patently infair to compare the two. Whatever you do, in that price range make sure you get to take the gear home to audition! Happy listening!
High end audio is not about prices, it is about having the best possible audio reproduction. However, I do want to take into account the law of dimishing returns. If the Boulder set-up will sound only 5% better then its not worth a 10 times increase in cost, but if its like 20% better then I would go for it. The thing is, I have already heard equipment several times the price then the DK and have yet to hear something better.