DK Design Group X-Dream - wow

Has anybody seen the review on the DK Design Group X-Dream speakers?

I better start saving up.
Ellery911 - why do you think a high end car is a better return on your money then a high end speaker system? Are you saying that driving is more enjoyable then listening to music? Are you a truck driver?
Hi, Everyone!

I just have one thing to say. Don't judge until you have a chance to audition since everyone have their own taste. So, go to your local DK dealer and find out for yourself before making any more comments since it's unfair for DK as well as any speaker manufacturer.
In what column on the bookkeeping ledger do you think those DK dollars go? Yes, those spent to bring this reviewer to hear these speakers? Marketing & Advertising, that's where. This is paid advertisement, plain and simple. If Mr. Khesin is committed to anything, it is the same thing that all business owners are: survival.

Investment & return...that is the name of the game. From drug companies, to cigarette makers, to audio manufacturers, they all pay to influence opinion. This is not about your health, your safety, or achieving audio nirvana. It's about making bucks. Either you make 'em, or you die. Period. That is why this guy is paid to come listen to a pair of stereo speakers, and that is why he writes what he does. Because he needs to eat!
Hurry, hurry! Step right up and see the the amaaaaaazing and frightful "Capitalist"!! Yesirreee my friends you've never seen such frightful sight in all your life, not like this one! Hang on tightly to your wallets and purses. Keep the little ones close by your side and don't let'em stick there hands between the bars. If you have a heart condition, or are prone to fainting spells we'd ask you refrain from going inside and just move along and let the others through. You've come at the right time folks; the end of the fiscal quarter. You'll get so see what only a few may witness. Watch as the creature marks up his inventory! See the monster outsource production to other countries. Witness the anouncement of corporate tax breaks that have the beast trembling with excitement. See the horrid mishapen thing drool and spit as his vendors pressure it for payment of overdue invoices. Oh the horror of it all folks! And tonight it's only five dollars to take all this in, that is if you have the stomach for it! You'll be telling your grandchildren about this one folks, take my word for it.
