@orpheus10 I did not checked all your posts here, but no matter what you’re talking about, you always refer to the jukeboxes, i remember that from the cartridge thread, now again you’re about jukeboxes, lol
I like original vintage 45s (7s) from the ’50s, ’60s, 70’s and even early ’80s. Some of them are superb, some of them are very bad souding even in mint- condition. It’s all depends on the engineering, mastering, pressing, since the key word about 45s (7’ inchers) is "independent label", major lables could make a proper mastering, but many independent labels recorded their artist (often themselfs) in a garage and pressed only 500 copies.
Why do you think all 45s made for jukeboxes ? I have no idea what do you mean, those records made for all record players with adapter (middle). You don’t need jukebox to play them.
If you like jukeboxes that’s fine. Jukebox is only one way to play them, but normal people could not afford a jukebox back in the days. They could buy a record player and 45s.
45s are not always better than LPs, there are many bad LPs and bad 45s too.
I think "12 inch single is better then "7 inch single in theory.
Also i’m pretty sure it make sense to use special aligment for "7 inch records, because the music is closer to the spindle and the record is smaller.
But anyway the OP is asking about LPs recorded on 45 rpm, not about "7 icnhers !
To him i would say that 45 rpm LP is NOT awalys better, just because it's on 45