My son wants my car and watches. My daughter wants my money and her boyfriend wants my stereo.
That is not what he wants. Trust me.
Do any of you kids , want your system ???
My paternal grandfather had a floor model Victrola. I wanted it in the worst way and asked him about it. He told me if my father didn't it would be mine someday. He passed when I was 10 and I figured we would move it very soon. Next time we went to his house only two weeks or so later my $^%#&*#$# cousin had thrown it out! Grandfather loved it, father didn't want it, grandson wanted it...grandson's (me) children have no desire to have any of my gear. Go figure. Maybe if I live long enough to have grandkids...nah. Fugeddaboutit. |
@tvad Sad, isn't it? And, I just moved (downsized) and really have no place to set them up other than the (now air-conditioned) garage, but with two cars there... I just don't know what to do. I also have a beautiful Guild 12-string all maple, arched back with gold hardware that I love--not that old, bought in the 1980's or early 90's--have to check the serial number as I forget. The Ludwig's were purchased on the same day in 1969, as I remember but I can check the serial numbers, from one store and a complete set. I wanted another color, but he had a champagne sparkle Hollywood set that spoke to me, so cymbals, stands, cases, everything in one day. Unfortunately, I got a real job right after that, the band broke up, and I never really gigged with it, so it remains just as it was when I bought it, probably like your Vistalite's. Oh, well, what are we going to do? Someone else will just have to love the set when I sell it--EVENTUALLY! Can't part with it yet, or the C-2, or the Guild, or the Strat, get it. I MIGHT sell the factory-refurbished, still in the shipping box Magneplaner I-C's and the AR EC-21 that was made for them. Not yet, though... Decisions! |