Do chinese tube preamp/amp clones interest you?

Hi all,

looks like there a quite a few clones of almost iconic gear available, e.g. this is an example

Have you ever wondered how they sound, are tempted to try them out, maybe even get it as a kit?

Or better even, got them and can report back?

Inquiring minds would like to know,


These cheap chinese preamps are useless. Nearly all of them are missing a key component, a ground stud to eliminate hum. It looks like one cheap cloner made one, made it wrong, and everyone else mindlessly copied the wrong design.

Imagine all your hard work and sacrifices, to create a sustainable business that provides employment to other to sustain their families, then one day you see this on the internet. Kick in the nutz if you ask me. 

If you did this is the US you would be bombarded into submission with litigation and legal fees. 

Why would anyone trade with a country that does this with no penalties. 

I'm big on "Made In USA" , when I pick something up off a shelf I look it's country of origin and I choose USA anytime I can and leave Made in China behind any time I can.  No, I'm not a Xenophobe but have been called that on other forums.    I just want good quality. 

Amps, Tuner, Speakers, power conditioner, cables are Made in USA.  DAC is made in Greece,  Disc player and Vault are made in Chinna ... good products but no way are they built like the other components in my system.   I chose Aurender over Auralic and others because it's not Made in China and the build quality is over the top.