Do different streamers really sound different when using an external DAC

Maybe this has been posted before but it seems that often when a post is made where someone has gotten better sound it’s because it was the streamer with included DAC that was changed, not just the streamer. No doubt a better internal DAC,  better file resolution, a better music service, will make a difference.

But I just want to see comparison of streamer to streamer with the same DAC implementation. I am currently using a Bluesound Node2i outputting via Coax into a high quality tube DAC
So here’s the million dollar question.

What have been your experiences in upgrading streamers, keeping everything else the same ie, DAC, cables, output type (Coax)? No doubt better control apps and having a display will elevate your experience but how about just sound quality. Anyone?


I can weigh directly in on your situation. I have a Node 2 and bought a Mytek Manhattan II DAC with network card (streamer). Initially I set it up as you have with the Node 2 going into the Manhattan via high quality Coax. Then I directly compared it to the network card in the DAC. No question that the Mytek network card sounds better than the node 2 streamer. 
I will say that the difference between the DAC in the node 2 and the DAC in the Mytek was much greater than the difference between the streamers. But yes, the streamer made a clear and noticeable difference. The only reason I ever use the Node anymore is if there is something on the radio I want to listen to - my brother-in-law is a DJ in Irvine CA and I like hearing his show - and the Mytek interface doesn’t allow for radio streaming. 
I responded before realizing I was the first one to actually directly address your initial post. The Mytek is fully MQA compatible - as is the Node 2 (note: I have the 2 not the 2i).  I stream both Tidal as well as Quboz. I’ve not heard a particular difference between those 2 services which surprised me as most on here tend to prefer Quboz. Let me know if you have any specific questions - I’d be happy to share. 
The BS Note2i does not sound good at all without the External DAC. I have to turn on the volume high but it is a convenience. I have been exchanging the Bifrost for the Gungnir and will see in the next few weeks. Hopefully, the Gungnir is much better than.
True that the node 2i output is only 24/96 if using an external DAC. That being said, resolution isn't everything. Implementation is very important.

A bit like cameras where you chase the megapixels as the only determinate of image quality when there is so much more like lens quality that goes into the equation.

I use wifi and have zero dropouts. I have never considered a hardwired ethernet connection.

I have compared the quality of the same file via a drive hooked into a computer on my network vs the same file on a flash drive connected to the USB input of the node 2i and found little  discernable difference. You can't get any more direct than the USB input so I doubt in my set up a direct wired ethernet would make much of a difference.

I have thought about a better power cord for the 2i so thanks for the input on that, lowrider57
I'm using a Musical Paradise MP-D2 Mk3 Deluxe DAC. They are a very small company ( one man show) in Western Canada that designs the DAC and is then made in China.

Really wonderful DAC that punches well above its price point. Also very configurable, and very well built,  great for tube rolling as in can use many different tubes in the gain section and even choose 5  or 6 volt tube rectifiers, all switchable. You can even upgrade coupling capacitors easily as they are attached by  internal  binding posts, just like speaker terminals.