Do distortion 's affect enjoyment of speaker?

Hoping for a concensus.
It is not desirable, but we have no choice but to accept it, because it exists in all of our systems in many different forms to a greater or lesser degree. As long as it isn't a sort that bothers the person who is listening to the system, all is well.
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IMO the question is too vague to be answerable in a meaningful way, or in a way that will lead to consensus.

-- Al
If you're using the word "distortion" broadly:

Some waveform distortions may be more objectionable to a given individual than other waveform distortions. A different individual may have the reverse preference. In some cases, minor distortions may be welcome (particularly for less than perfect recordings). Overall, it would be hard to generalize, much less get a consensus.

If you're talking narrowly about THD, then I'd argue that it's both frequency dependent and individual listener dependent, but at some point, the answer to that question is "yes" for most listeners. Since all speakers produce material amounts of THD (particularly at low frequencies), the trick is finding a speaker system that doesn't reach your own sensitivity point. The good news is that most people seem to be quite insensitive to very low frequency THD, so the arena where most speakers perform worst on THD, seems to be the least critical.
One's system aside, distortion of the mind by way of drink can add to the enjoyment. Too much drink does lead to gross distortions though so take it easy.

All the best,