Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?

Mechanical grounding or isolation from vibration has been a hot topic as of late.  Many know from experience that footers, stands and other vibration technologies impact things that vibrate a lot like speakers, subs or even listening rooms (my recent experience with an "Energy room").  The question is does it have merit when it comes to electronics and if so why?  Are there plausible explanations for their effect on electronics or suggested measurement paradigms to document such an effect?
Tom, you guys better send in the seismologist before you get in too much trouble. Seismic type waves have many directions. Don’t you know that? Never bring a knife to a gun fight. ;-)
39 posts
10-18-2016 11:07am
Never load your gun with blanks...

Eggs ackly. You’re shooting blanks in the dark. I thought you had a seismologist on board. Where’s the seismologist when you need her? I know, she’s too busy. Lol
She has written a response to the townsend merry go round that kills all polarties of shear including the one you want to keep and use. Removes some amplitudes of frequency. Back to the beach. Tom.. Star Sound Technologies

I thought you had a seismologist on board. Where’s the seismologist when you need her? I know, she’s too busy. Lol

Mr. Kait, yes it is true. We are way too busy in keeping up with your rants, grade two humor, personal insults towards people far superior to your level of intelligence, especially those you have never met. We now realize, this behaviour is your personal style signature here on AudioGon. An unidentifiable mockery typed lifestyle, which in our opinion answering you is even more time wasted.

(repeat): Funny thing how you continuously attack everything and everyone across the vast audio nation, yet when asked to respond in kind you buckle under the pressure by never answering any questions “whatsoever” directed at you. From my standpoint - totally inexcusable.

In our meager defense, it is extremely difficult navigating our responses due to patents and processes pending at this time. When Tom D. returns from vacation, he will be more than happy to rejoin this thread as I am not the person heading up this end of the research and development process.

In closing Mr. Kait:

We ask your patience…; wait for the products… wait for the patent approvals… be patient old timer - after all the entire LIGO project was not built in seven days either.


Star Sound