Do high level sub inputs really sound better?

You guessed it, I'm seriously consider laying out "mo money" for long speaker cables to run my sub via the high level inputs.

I'm currently using the low level RCAs, which seem to sound excellent, but I'm hoping things will get even better using the high level inputs.

Any suggestions and/or experience on the subject would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by piedpiper

SImply put, there are advantages/disadvantages to both. Which tradoffs sound better to you?
Pierre brings up a separate issue in his tip. Running the mains full range and using the sub as out of the way as possible keeps the bulk of your music uneffected by the sub as well as not having to go through the extra degradation of the crossover. The only down side to this is if you want to prioritize unburdening your mains with low frequencies by crossing them over higher. Crossing over the mains definitely has advantages, especially when playing loud, but the disadvantages in terms of transparancy are significant.