Gonna go Equitech.
Compelling argument for balanced power:
Do I need a power conditioner?
Canceled Denali order. Gonna go Equitech. Compelling argument for balanced power: http://www.6moons.com/audioreviews/equitech/1.html |
Once, early on I had a rig set up for getting high quality CDR's from LP's. I had no power filters of any kind. When playing back the CDR, there was noise in the sound field of the CDR. I could almost hear a faint radio station. I had a "noise sniffer" and it confirmed a very noisy AC line. I bought a Monster Power conditioner. I put it in the chain and did the dub again. On playback, the noise was gone. Another scenario; I had an Adcom power amp (GF5800, I think). Everytime I powered it up in the winter, the tiny amount of static that I discharged on my audio rack, would cause my Adcoms' overload light to come on. It would go back out BUT I didn't want this happening. I bought a PS Audio power filter. After putting it in the chain, the issue with the Adcom was gone! The results don't always have to have a very audible benefit to justify having one. Cheers. Joe |
I got the Equitech 2RQ. Apparently it is a little hard to find a unit in stock anywhere, but I managed this one. I believe I was told usually takes 4-6 weeks to get one. They have multiple models. I am led to believe the 1.5 R "Son of Q" and the 2RQ are the most requested, and most likely to be in stock somewhere. |
Again Audiogon forum comes through. Previously I had asked about turntables and ended up with GEM PolyTable, Hana cartridge and Sutherland phono stage. Products I had never heard of but which are clearly better than what I had originally planned on getting. Likewise, I had never heard of balanced power or Equitech. Hopefully I am equally pleased with the outcome this time. Thanks to everyone for all the advice. |