If I had to lift/drag/transport a big pair of Dunlavys into my listening room I guarantee that it would change my life -- especially in those *lower registers*!
Do I want more bass?
At the moment I am very happy with my system, but being an audio addict with no shame, I WANT MORE! I am running B&W 805N with Ensemble cables, a Cary SLI80 Int. Amp and SFCD-1 source. The room is 20'x20' with a cathedral ceiling and beams and window bump-outs. I have noticed that several of you have 805N with subs. What subs go best with these speakers??? I have 802Ns in my livingroom system, the room being much larger, and I guess I want to hear that kind of base in my office system too.All info is welcome. Anyone commenting on my sanity will just be added to my postal list ( that's for you Thunders :-( )
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