Do Kimber KCAG's sound bright????

I have Kimber KCAG through out all my connections except for Transparent Audio speaker cables and PS audio power cables. My system sounds a little bright. Have Bryston amp and Adcom preamp. Is copper all round better???? Mike
Raquel's Kimber Select uses a different silver (Black Pearl) than the KCAG, and is a totally different geometry and design.

The KCAG has been called bright for all the years it is has been in production. It probably works in systems where the speakers and/or the tube electronics have a rolled off and soft treble.
Mine sounds bright. Sony tae9000 es preamp & bryston Amps. I'm changing to optical.
Well I reburned the KCAGs with a cable cooker for one week. Sound is much better. Smoother and detailed but not near so bright. I am keeping them!! Mike
Blueranger: Glad that "burning in" the cabling worked for you and we've got another "convert" to the group of believers. Out of curiosity, how much actual playing time ( time in your system ) did you have on these cables prior to burning? Sean
I had these cables about 16 months. I hurriedly burnt them in for a day or 2 on cable cooker. I played my system 20-30 hours a week. 7-9 days on cable cooker last month helped. They do not have as much zing an zip but still retain all the detail. These are keepers in my system. Mike