>>I'm asking you to put your own listening skills and system to the test and
tell me the results.<<
You cannot test anyone's listening skills until you have proven there is
something to hear.
You don't have such proof.
Instead, you have an unproven claim.
You claimed you could hear .1 db down at 20Khz.
Your idea of how to test this is to send ME cables?
That's like sending me 10,000 pounds to see if YOU can lift it.
>>If the cables sound different and YOU<<
I could listen to those cables, fall on my knees and say, "wow -- these cables
sure do sound different!" And it won't do anything to help you back up your
claim that you can hear .1db down at 20Khz.
If you want to prove you can hear .1db down at 20Khz, it would be easy to
design a test, but YOU would obviously be the one taking it -- since YOU
made the claim.
Dude -- this is all just basic logic.
We're not debating whether cables can sound DIFFERENT. We're debating
whether you can hear .1db down at 20 Khz.
We both know you cannot.
It was a ridiculous claim.
Since you cannot hear .1db down at 20Khz, any theory based on this premise
is obviously flawed and must be revised because -- obviously -- the building
blocks of your theory must be provable or else you have nothing.
Back to the drawing board.
We've beaten this to death.
That's it for me.
Thanks for the chat.
tell me the results.<<
You cannot test anyone's listening skills until you have proven there is
something to hear.
You don't have such proof.
Instead, you have an unproven claim.
You claimed you could hear .1 db down at 20Khz.
Your idea of how to test this is to send ME cables?
That's like sending me 10,000 pounds to see if YOU can lift it.
>>If the cables sound different and YOU<<
I could listen to those cables, fall on my knees and say, "wow -- these cables
sure do sound different!" And it won't do anything to help you back up your
claim that you can hear .1db down at 20Khz.
If you want to prove you can hear .1db down at 20Khz, it would be easy to
design a test, but YOU would obviously be the one taking it -- since YOU
made the claim.
Dude -- this is all just basic logic.
We're not debating whether cables can sound DIFFERENT. We're debating
whether you can hear .1db down at 20 Khz.
We both know you cannot.
It was a ridiculous claim.
Since you cannot hear .1db down at 20Khz, any theory based on this premise
is obviously flawed and must be revised because -- obviously -- the building
blocks of your theory must be provable or else you have nothing.
Back to the drawing board.
We've beaten this to death.
That's it for me.
Thanks for the chat.