Do Nordost match with B&W

Hi guys!
Has anyone had any experience with the nordost heimdall and B&W805s? I have B&W 805s,marantz PM14 and FURUTECH interconnect. Now i want to buy NORDOST HEIMDALL to replace the furutech, please give me some advise. I'm from Vietnam.
I'm sure it could be a grat combination, but it depends on wich sound you want out of your B&W 805S.
Can you describe your sonic terms? Maybe it's not even Nordost you have to look for.
i want it sound warm clarity soundstage, detail, image, emotional. some of my friends said Nordost can give a good soundstage, clarity, details... but it also give you light bass. iS it true??? i never have a chance to use it before and the dealer in Vietnam won't let you borrow it.
Your friends describtion of the Nordost sound, is how I also would describe it. But if you want warm sound, you shall not look for Nordost. I would try with Transparent cables, I prefer these myself. Can you borrow Transparent cables from your dealer?
In addition to auditioning the Transparent cables, you might want to try some cables from MIT.