What reason was there for your Vienna drivers failing in such a short period of time?? My point is that I can see a tube amp manufacturer or a digital device manufacturer be concerned about infant mortality in their product, but a speaker manufacturer...............?
Janeb (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
They're made by human beings. Even if they were made by robots, they too are made by humans. A poorly glued voice coil can come loose. A person or a robot can't see what is going on in between the parts being made. The same for a poor solder joint that may look perfect. Years back, I beleive the Space Shuttle lost its main computer system. It had NASA on edge for a short time, but a backup system worked. I think they traced it to a microscopic stray piece of solder in a component. They had no idea it was there during testing, and figured it broke free and shorted the system from the vibration (during takeoff), going by memory. Speakers vibrate a lot too. That's what a warranty is good for. Over driving them could cause a failure too. But, I think the manufacturer could see this, if they disassembled the parts.