Do people find the rating system useful?

There's a DAC listed right now that has been modified and does NOT function. The seller has it listed as "8". Am I confused, or doesn't the item hae to at least function to be rated this way?
Wow another gem from Pbb. What's the matter, no ambulances to chase, eh???

Maybe AudiogoN will have to include the word "WORKING" in their description. This should not be needed, but some folks follow the letter of the law and ignore the spirit.
It has gotten to where I probably notice as many incorrect ratings as I do fair ones. I have sometimes considered emailing sellers to alert them of the mistake if it's just outrageously off, but I never do on the grounds that it would probably be an argument akin to explaining vegetarianism to a fat sweaty guy at a steak house.

I think Audiogon should make the rating system more clearly explained and visible to sellers listing their items; also, a two-scale system might be interesting: one for cosmetics, one for functionality.

Finally, I think sellers should face up to what they have and rate their gear more objectively. Perhaps there could even be some kind of penalty for gross misrepresentation of items if it can be proven--but I amgine that would get a bit dodgy.
Thanks everyone, I feel better knowing that I wasn't off base thinking that the selected rating for the non functioning item was quite selfserving. It does make the rating system as implemented, fall suspect to its value.