Do people really just not get it that their items are not selling...

simply because they are over priced? 
I think we all need a "price adjuster" who can inform us ( tell us ) what to sell our gear for. Much easier then to let the market decide.
fleschler10-13-2018 12:25pm
I did just purchase speaker cables at a fire sale price because they are from a highly respected but unknown manufacturer ...
How can a manufacturer be highly respected and unknown at the same time?
He does zero marketing and builds every cable by hand. SOTA cabling for mid-fi prices.  The materials cost is reasonable, it's all in the design and two hours labor per cable. He has sold worldwide and includes some highly respected listeners including Warner Bros. chief music producer. He is backordered from two to six weeks. Money back guarantee as well. I'm his beta tester but have to pay for the cables (why wouldn't I, the time consuming manufacturing would be unfair and I get the newest designs first).  
GroverHuffman - wow, a cable manufacturer that actually uses Furutech Rhodium connectors.....but then he lost me when I started reading about silver and silver-plated elements, lol.