Do people really just not get it that their items are not selling...

simply because they are over priced? 
I have never had any trouble buying things on sites like Audiogon, but selling is a different matter. I am 100% honest and fair, but I have been swindled on a number of occasions.

When I take the risk of selling into account, plus the actual cost of packing, driving to UPS, and shipping, the value of online selling depreciates. I live in a small city (100,000 +/-), so having people pick up the equipment or Craig’s list doesn’t cut it for audiophile equipment (different if you live in a large metro center). I find it easier to sell equipment on consignment. I get less money that way, but all I have to do is bring in the equipment. When I consider the value of my time, it is a better deal!
I've sold about a dozen classic tube gear items on Audiogon at my asking prices.  Classic tube gear keeps escalating in price like my sales of a McIntosh MX110, Fisher 200, MacIntosh MC30s, Fisher 400/500 receivers, etc.  They are now in greater demand than when I sold them over 15 years ago.  I've purchased items for about 50% of retail price as well.  I've had really fine experiences with Audiogon but couldn't buy speakers or cartridges for the same reasons stated previously (won't ship and condition issues, respectively). 

I did just purchase speaker cables at a fire sale price because they are from a highly respected but unknown manufacturer and he was selling long runs (20' and 25') of 2 pairs and a single run of 25' and I only needed a 25' pair.  Tough to sell unknown brands.
I think we all need a "price adjuster" who can inform us ( tell us ) what to sell our gear for. Much easier then to let the market decide.
fleschler10-13-2018 12:25pm
I did just purchase speaker cables at a fire sale price because they are from a highly respected but unknown manufacturer ...
How can a manufacturer be highly respected and unknown at the same time?