Tburn, you don't have much to lose by tryng a few different brands. There are some very good quality pc's around here at Audiogon at very reasonable prices which can easily be sold if not to your liking. You stand to gain an improved listening experience. Bishop, have you ever tried a few different power cords?
I don't "believe" they make a difference, they do. It is simply a matter of trying a few and unless your a poor listener or have a crappy system you will notice a difference. I really don't care anymore about the science behind this. There are many scientific explanations for why they make a difference, and hundreds of opinions to the contrary. I'm a musician and have better things to do than debate the obvious with a bunch of sourpuss pseudo scientist objectivists. Every method of testing has its flaws, trust your ears. Good luck.
I don't "believe" they make a difference, they do. It is simply a matter of trying a few and unless your a poor listener or have a crappy system you will notice a difference. I really don't care anymore about the science behind this. There are many scientific explanations for why they make a difference, and hundreds of opinions to the contrary. I'm a musician and have better things to do than debate the obvious with a bunch of sourpuss pseudo scientist objectivists. Every method of testing has its flaws, trust your ears. Good luck.