Do speaker cables need a burn in period?

I have heard some say that speaker cables do need a 'burn in', and some say that its totally BS.
What say you?

It’s not really that science hasn’t progressed enough to be able to explain some of the things audiophiles talk about. Things like cable burn in. It’s just that science doesn’t really care about that stuff. They’ve got “bigger things” on their plate. Gibbs bosons, gravity waves, whatever. AND they’re double parked. There is no time. One reason why science will not entertain audiophile stuff like quantum chips and wire directionality and fixing audio systems by telephone is because science thinks it’s above such considerations. Those guys want to talk about “real science.” They don’t want to get involved with a bunch of whackos. You know, like Einstein.
I took a hearing test a few months ago. Science did a pretty good job of showing me what I couldn't hear. Those crazy scientists have really come a long way since phrenology and bloodletting.