Do speakers have to "warm-up" too?

i warm up my amplifiers for 30 minutes before listening (everything else is on "standby" all the time), but i strongly feel that
the (first) cd i have on sounds (much) better (fuller, more open sounding) towards the end than it did at the start. i get this impression time after time. my speakers are broken in of course, but (perhaps) they become more compliant, or the voice coils warm up (?) i'm not an engineer, but it makes sense that speakers reach a sort of "equilibrium" after playing music for a given period of time. otoh, of course, my ears could be "adjusting" to the sound, and/or the effect could be largely psychological. does anyone else have this experience or feel the same way i do?
You're not crazy, I've noticed this too. I believe you're right, the voice coils do need to warm up, or at least something like that (the designer of my speakers told me something to that effect).
I think what you are hearing isn't speakers warming up; rather it is your amplifier warming up.
Yea things move better. Also don't forget Audioquest theory that the cables also have to worm up, hence there batt pack to keep them "worm"