Do true audiophiles own Mcintosh gear

It seems like all the high-end dealers I have bought from or talked to think that Mcintosh is living on it's past reputation. The 2 stores that carry it locally are more mid-fi stores than high-end. I have a friend that swears by it but he hasn't listened to his Mcintosh in over 2 years. What do you think?
I have been on a long search for a solid state amp I could live with, and bought (used) ML 27.5, Ayre V5xe, Pass x-250, Nuforce, and other top contenders to replace my ARC VT-200 and VT 100 mk3 in the summer months. None of the solid state amps could compete, UNTIL I bought an MC402 Mac amp. It is definitely the finest amp I have heard, in musicality, detail, transparency, nuance, etc. I am using it with my Ref 3 into Quads, Thiels, or Magnepans. I had always considered McIntosh to be boutique gear for folks with money but no ears. But I had never really listened to it. I did try the Mc 275 tubed piece, and did not feel it was any better than my ARC amps, but the 402 is better in every way. It literally rocked my known audio world! I mean, transformer coupled transistors? You bet it works! Try a 402 at home and see what you think.
I wouldn't call your foray into solid state amps comprehensive in any sense. Also, the Mac testimonial seems dealeresque Dbarger. But, whatever floats your boat..enjoy!
Mac gear won several Editor's Choice awards from The Absolute Sound this year, including the MC402 power amp and C46 and C2200 preamps.

But of course, the editors of TAS likely don't actually own those amps, but just borrowed them from the manufacturer ;-)
I don't know any true audiophiles. My dad bought a McIntosh amp in 1974 and boasted to me at the time that it was built like a "brick sh** house". He is 90 years old now and his Mac is still going strong and sounding good after 33 years. Fast forward to 2007, and I recently listened to an all Mac setup powered by a MC 275 tube amp played through some Vienna Acoustic floor standers and they sounded great. I also listened to an old Harry Belefonte LP played through a Mac MC501 and room filling Magenpans, and it was wonderful, every bit as good as Classe, Pass Laboratories or Edge amps I have heard recently.

I do not consider myself an apologist for McIntosh, and don't own any of their equipment personally. My limited experience is that their gear lasts a long time and the current editions sound very good indeed.
09-10-07: Dave_b
Nothing innovative about Mac gear, nor is it tremendously musical. In fact it sounds like very goo old class B electronics..not particularly exceptional in any area, nor a total disaster in any either..just OK!

Absolutely NOT the case. You don't consider transformer coupling the transistors to keep them in their peak operating range innovative? Who else does it? Very musical also.
Hopefully someday you will find some pieces you like as well long term as most Mac owners do. Good luck with that. BTW, I am not a dealer, just an music lover with an recently opened mind.