
Discussions knownothing has started

What were your top musical discoveries of 2024?258762
What were your favorite gear additions in 2024?4299107
Pop album that has stood the test of time4864103
Least expensive plug-in power conditioner that works529137
Initial thoughts on Rob Watts designed Quartet M-Scaler16814
AV receiver, power cables and conditioning5202
Component contributions to “sound stage”335258
Power supply poll for Chord Qutest38648
LPs pressed in Czech Republic 8892
Speaker Jumper Cables Revisited327211
Does your system sound “better” after being away?88411
Yes, digital cables matter too1020551
Jethro Tull “Thick as a Brick” CD revisited179013
Experience with iFi SPDIF iPurifier2676126
iFi iPower X - hifi bargain?953828