Do Von Schweikert VR1 sound as good as Harbeth P3?

I have been really impressed the the little Harbeths and am considering them for a second system with a Jungson 80W integrated. However, a pair of use VR1s are for sale in my community at less than half the price....I am not super picky, and want this system to sound good for Rock music, primarily.....I also have a decent Epos sub to go with the monitors......haven't auditioned the VR1s yet.....should I ?

Showing 1 response by mechans

The VR1s sound is quite a bit different than the Harbeth's. I would caution you to listen to both if you can. If not able to audition them, at least get a sense of the VSA vs Harbeth "house" sound. To my ears the VR1s are somewhat more detailed and analytic in a good way, vs the Harbeths which will be warmer and have less treble energy. As always it is a matter of personal preference. My preference is VSA and if you can them for a good price I would jump at it.