Do we believe in Machina Dynamics?

Let's see: we've had the pebbles, the little clock, the turntable platform that includes only some old springs...and now the Contact Paper CD tweek. Do any of us believe in this? I know Geoff's an advertiser, and actually a very nice guy, but come on, fellow audiophiles...this is all the epitome of snake oil! No?
Every idea was tried, and has failed, numerous times. Despite being a nice guy, all he's selling is audio nonsense.
We need not waste our time debating the physics (or lack thereof) of MD products. I've no problem allowing for physical phenomena whose mechanism we've yet to understand and quantify.

So let's cut to the chase here: If MD products make a difference, a blind listener will be able to identify that difference. End of issue.
+++ you are ignorant of both logic and what science has to say about anything+++

Lol. Let me repeat myself, 'Wow somebody that says {and I quote verbatim} “I am untroubled by not knowing how it works” is lecturing me' on science and logic.

Pray tell us Norm, what is the logic and science in not wanting to understand?

+++ You took offense that I noted on another thread that your having listened to the Adagios and bought them +++

I have no idea what an Adagios is. Again you seem to elude I am the same dummy you are. I am beginning to suspect that you have a problem dealing with people that are intellectually your superiors.

+++ suggested that you do not always value factual basis for making audio choices.+++

Again, you are quite mistaken. (why am I not surprised?) I have yet to make a single purchase not based on sound factual basis.

+++ You are not always an idiot apparently +++

I'm never the idiot Norm. Even the times I do something foolish, folks like yourself make me look like a genius.

+++ Live well and prosper! +++

Oh, I do live well and I am prosperous (within reason), mainly because I don't throw money away on snake oil and vapor-ware like you do. But thank you for the kind sentiments.

$200 alarm clocks, $75 phone calls, $159 for a box of rocks, $400 for the cd upgrade box, $40 cd tray tape, $375 for the "Promethean" base (wich looks like a couple slabs of wood and bed springs), $40 intelligent chip cd upgrade and so come we dont see this guy on late night infomercials sandwiched between a Magic Bullet blender and a Male Enhancement syrum?
And why on earth would anyone be at all skeptical of pet rocks, phone calls and alarm clocks that cost a couple hundred bucks??????????????