We also use USAA homeowners insurance. We have our antiques and expensive items listed in a separate schedule with photos and receipts for each item. In the event of loss we will get the replacement value for those items. The rest of our household goods falls under the homeowners insuranace coverage we requested, which includes all forms of electronics, and my stereo, yeah. When we did the extra rider for the rare items, I kept asking about my electronics, and the representative always responded that my stereo was under the normal insurance up to the limit we are insuring.
I am satisifed with this policy. In addition, the mention of alarms, home security systems, video surveillance, friends Smith and Wesson, helps to reduce the fees.
I am satisifed with this policy. In addition, the mention of alarms, home security systems, video surveillance, friends Smith and Wesson, helps to reduce the fees.