Do you buy new equipment because you are bored

Does you're system sound fantastic but you feel the need to change something out of boredom. I have been feeling this way lately. I wonder if it is a mental Issue.
If I'm not getting into the system, I leave it off for a while, do other things. When I return after some days, it sounds involving again. I wouldn't say I was bored, just not into listening. I never buy because of boredom.
I sometimes read these forums out of boredom. Most times I'm looking for answers.
It is a mental issue. Why not branch out into a new type of music from your normal listening? 1930 delta blues? Palestrina? Tibetan folk music? Cheaper and will make more of a difference than some tweak to an already outstanding system.
The bad part about being happy with your system is that you lose the entertainment of the hunt. It is a mental issue.

I don't mess with stereo components out of boredom, to me there is no reward for trying to fix what isn't broken, but that energy gets directed into other hobbies (or even work related stuff). Seems like part of the human condition is that we have a need to try to make some things as good as we can, kind of a rewarding itch to scratch if you channel it in a good direction.
I second, definitely a mental problem. Reminds me of the question, 'can you get bored with sex'.
Not so much boredom as irrepressible curiosity is the reason I upgrade, and along the way, as the cost of my audio system skyrockets, I'm continually surprised by how much better music from the same CD can sound. I am at a point where I can't get my musical high without power cords costing more than a thousand dollars each (second-hand) because sadly, it is so hard to go back to a lower level of audio performance once you've been there.

Heck, I guess that is what we define as passion for our hobby, and where in reality, as we spend more and more money on audio consumption, it is just simply an obsession bordering on insanity!