Do you buy new equipment because you are bored

Does you're system sound fantastic but you feel the need to change something out of boredom. I have been feeling this way lately. I wonder if it is a mental Issue.
Not so much boredom as irrepressible curiosity is the reason I upgrade, and along the way, as the cost of my audio system skyrockets, I'm continually surprised by how much better music from the same CD can sound. I am at a point where I can't get my musical high without power cords costing more than a thousand dollars each (second-hand) because sadly, it is so hard to go back to a lower level of audio performance once you've been there.

Heck, I guess that is what we define as passion for our hobby, and where in reality, as we spend more and more money on audio consumption, it is just simply an obsession bordering on insanity!
I get that way once and a while. I have this urge to change something even though I am happy with it. I think sometimes I categorize my system as a project that needs completion. When I should look at it as a completed project built for the enjoyment of music. So Mental? Yeah I would say Mental Issue indeed. Ain't it great!
I try to check out Audiogon every day.
I've had the very good fortune of having (had) many hi end stores here in the Phoenix area.
Now, 80% of the brick & mortar stores here are gone.
I still have my wish list!
I'm constantly looking on line for items I want.
In the past, my local dealers/friends all knew exactly what was on my wish list. When any item came in on consignment/trade, I'd get a call.
The list constantly evolves. I just got another pair of Apogee Stages. Now, I want Scintillas.
It doesn't matter if I get them next week, or next year.
I'll get them.
Does you're system sound fantastic but you feel the need to change something out of boredom.

What if you've never had the luxury of a system that sounds fantastic? I guess that's a different thread...

There are those individuals in all aspects of life who just don't know when they've got it made.